BI 166 Nick Enfield: Language vs. Reality

BI 166 Nick Enfield: Language vs. Reality

Brain Inspired
Brain Inspired
BI 166 Nick Enfield: Language vs. Reality

Nick Enfield is a professor of linguistics at the University of Sydney. In this episode we discuss topics in his most recent book, Language vs. Reality: Why Language Is Good for Lawyers and Bad for Scientists. A central question in the book is what is language for? What’s the function of language. You might be familiar with the debate about whether language evolved for each of us thinking our wonderful human thoughts, or for communicating those thoughts between each other. Nick would be on the communication side of that debate, but if by communication we mean simply the transmission of thoughts or information between people – I have a thought, I send it to you in language, and that thought is now in your head – then Nick wouldn’t take either side of that debate. He argues the function language goes beyond the transmission of information, and instead is primarily an evolved solution for social coordination – coordinating our behaviors and attention. When we use language, we’re creating maps in our heads so we can agree on where to go.

BI 165 Jeffrey Bowers: Psychology Gets No Respect

BI 165 Jeffrey Bowers: Psychology Gets No Respect

Brain Inspired
Brain Inspired
BI 165 Jeffrey Bowers: Psychology Gets No Respect

Jeffrey Bowers is a psychologist and professor at the University of Bristol. As you know, many of my previous guests are in the business of comparing brain activity to the activity of units in artificial neural network models, when humans or animals and the models are performing the same tasks. And a big story that has emerged over the past decade or so is that there’s a remarkable similarity between the activities and representations in brains and models. This was originally found in object categorization tasks, where the goal is to name the object shown in a given image, where researchers have compared the activity in the models good at doing that to the activity in the parts of our brains good at doing that. It’s been found in various other tasks using various other models and analyses, many of which we’ve discussed on previous episodes, and more recently a similar story has emerged regarding a similarity between language-related activity in our brains and the activity in large language models. Namely, the ability of our brains to predict an upcoming word can been correlated with the models ability to predict an upcoming word. So the word is that these deep learning type models are the best models of how our brains and cognition work.

BI 164 Gary Lupyan: How Language Affects Thought

BI 164 Gary Lupyan: How Language Affects Thought

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Brain Inspired
BI 164 Gary Lupyan: How Language Affects Thought

Gary Lupyan runs the Lupyan Lab at University of Wisconsin, Madison, where he studies how language and cognition are related. In some ways, this is a continuation of the conversation I had last episode with Ellie Pavlick, in that we partly continue to discuss large language models. But Gary is more focused on how language, and naming things, categorizing things, changes our cognition related those things. How does naming something change our perception of it, and so on. He’s interested in how concepts come about, how they map onto language. So we talk about some of his work and ideas related to those topics.
And we actually start the discussion with some of Gary’s work related the variability of individual humans’ phenomenal experience, and how that affects our individual cognition. For instance, some people are more visual thinkers, others are more verbal, and there seems to be an appreciable spectrum of differences that Gary is beginning to experimentally test.

BI 163 Ellie Pavlick: The Mind of a Language Model

BI 163 Ellie Pavlick: The Mind of a Language Model

Brain Inspired
Brain Inspired
BI 163 Ellie Pavlick: The Mind of a Language Model

Ellie Pavlick runs her Language Understanding and Representation Lab at Brown University, where she studies lots of topics related to language. In AI, large language models, sometimes called foundation models, are all the rage these days, with their ability to generate convincing language, although they still make plenty of mistakes. One of the things Ellie is interested in is how these models work, what kinds of representations are being generated in them to produce the language they produce. So we discuss how she’s going about studying these models. For example, probing them to see whether something symbolic-like might be implemented in the models, even though they are the deep learning neural network type, which aren’t suppose to be able to work in a symbol-like manner. We also discuss whether grounding is required for language understanding – that is, whether a model that produces language well needs to connect with the real world to actually understand the text it generates. We talk about what language is for, the current limitations of large language models, how the models compare to humans, and a lot more.

BI 162 Earl K. Miller: Thoughts are an Emergent Property

BI 162 Earl K. Miller: Thoughts are an Emergent Property

Brain Inspired
Brain Inspired
BI 162 Earl K. Miller: Thoughts are an Emergent Property

Earl Miller runs the Miller Lab at MIT, where he studies how our brains carry out our executive functions, like working memory, attention, and decision-making. In particular he is interested in the role of the prefrontal cortex and how it coordinates with other brain areas to carry out these functions. During this episode, we talk broadly about how neuroscience has changed during Earl’s career, and how his own thoughts have changed. One thing we focus on is the increasing appreciation of brain oscillations for our cognition.Earl Miller runs the Miller Lab at MIT, where he studies how our brains carry out our executive functions, like working memory, attention, and decision-making. In particular he is interested in the role of the prefrontal cortex and how it coordinates with other brain areas to carry out these functions. During this episode, we talk broadly about how neuroscience has changed during Earl’s career, and how his own thoughts have changed. One thing we focus on is the increasing appreciation of brain oscillations for our cognition.