About me:

I spent over 10 years as a neuroscientist studying visual decision-making in nonhuman primates. A few years as a technician, 4 years obtaining a PhD, and 6 years as a postdoctoral researcher.

Then I left academia, my family and I sold all our stuff, moved into an RV, and roamed around. During that time, I started Brain Inspired. 

Brain Inspired recaptured a sense of adventure and creativity I felt I’d lost. I hope it provides the same to you.

These days, I’m a Special Faculty Research Associate in the Yttri Lab at Carnegie Mellon University, studying the wonders of neuroethology. 

Where neuroscience and artificial intelligence converge.


Neuroscience and AI work better together. AI leverages current brain research to inform its work. Likewise, neuroscientists use AI tools to learn more about the workings of the brain.

This potent feedback cycle begs for great minds to contribute.

There’s so much to learn and explore at the interface of these two fields.

There are so many experts you can learn from.

I talk with many of the best minds who work at the interface of neuroscience and AI, or have a vision about how these two fields might connect. You’ll learn about cutting edge research, the newest theories about brains and AI, and hear first-hand from the experts how their scientific path led them to this exciting field.

  • Do we need to know how brains work to develop great AI? If so, how much detail?
  • Can AI pave the way to a grand theory of brain function? Or at least help us understand how brains work?
  • How is machine learning different than animal learning?
  • How is machine thinking different from animal thinking?
  • What the heck is consciousness anyway?


If you’re a neuroscientist…

Learn how AI techniques, like machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks can help you explore your data, generate hypotheses, model how our brains work.


If you’re a professional in an AI, machine learning, or data science industry…

Learn how the latest discoveries in neuroscience can strengthen your work, improve your algorithms, and inspire your next entrepreneurial adventure.


If you’re neither, but curious about all things neuroscience and AI…

Best of all, maybe. I hope you enjoy the ride.